Improve your shoulder STRENGTH, MOBILITY & STABILITY with 5 exercises

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As an athlete who relies heavily on shoulder mobility and stability for sports like volleyball, dealing with nagging shoulder issues can be incredibly frustrating. From rotator cuff problems to labral tears and shoulder impingement, these injuries not only impact performance but carry long-term risks if not properly addressed.

Many athletes and fitness enthusiasts have discovered the transformative power of the Knees Over Toes (ATG) program for improving knee health. But did you know these dynamic exercises can work wonders for unlocking shoulder mobility and bulletproofing the joint against future issues as well?

In this article, we'll dive into why the shoulder is so susceptible to injuries in the first place. Then I'll share my top 5 favorite ATG exercises that have helped reinforce resilient, high-performing shoulders - particularly after dealing with a small labral tear and hypermobility challenges of my own.

Why the Shoulders Are So Injury Prone

Despite being one of the most mobile joints in the human body, the shoulder's unique anatomy makes it highly vulnerable to injuries when not properly conditioned. Here's a quick overview:

The shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint, similar to the hip, except with a very shallow socket. This shallow depth provides an incredible range of motion, but also less bony reinforcement to secure the ball-shaped humerus head in place.

So the shoulder must rely heavily on the surrounding muscles, tendons, and ligaments for stability and joint protection. Any weaknesses or imbalances in this intricate system can lead to nagging shoulder problems over time.

Furthermore, the shoulder isn't just one joint - it's an interdependent network of four different joints! Issues in any of these supporting structures can throw off the entire biomechanics of the shoulder complex.

With activities that involve repetitive throwing, hitting, reaching, and overhead motions, the cumulative stress can overwhelm the shoulder's delicate balance if not counteracted through proper training.

My Top 5 ATG Exercises for Stronger, Mobile Shoulders

Implementing the right shoulder-focused exercises has been a game-changer for me. By strategically targeting oft-neglected musculature around the joint, the ATG program not only corrects mobility restrictions but reinforces critical stabilizers to prevent future issues.

Here are the top 5 moves I've found most beneficial for those struggling with shoulder pain or compromised overhead mechanics:

1.External Rotation

This deceptively tough exercise emphasizes the external rotators - infraspinatus, teres minor, and posterior deltoid. Sitting with your working arm propped up and elbow anchored in, you'll externally rotate a dumbbell out to the side.

These muscles play a vital role in dynamically stabilizing the shoulder and decelerating the rapid acceleration involved in throwing/hitting motions. Talk about integrated injury prevention!

The ATG standard is 10% of your bodyweight for 12 reps, but start lighter and be patient as you progress.

2. Cross-Bench Shoulder Pullover

If you want an incredible full-body lat stretch, this is it! Lying across a bench with your shoulders positioned above your hips, you'll take an overgrip on a dumbbell and lower it as far behind you as possible.

Not only does this crush tension through the lats and shoulders, but forces awesome extension through the entire thoracic spine - a much-needed counterbalance for those of us stuck in persistent shoulder rounding.

Aim for 25% of your bodyweight and 12 solid reps. The deeper stretch will feel fantastic!

3. Trap 3 Raise

Having robust lower trapezius strength relative to the upper traps is crucial for controlling upright shoulder blade positioning and preventing injuries. The Trap 3 Raise laser focuses these oft-neglected fibers.

Performed on a 45-degree back extension bench, you'll raise light dumbbells up toward the ceiling, squeezing your shoulder blades together. The ATG standard is 10% of bodyweight in each hand for 8 reps total. It's deceivingly tough!

4. Rear Delt Raise

Similarly, the rear deltoid works in tandem with the rotator cuff to dynamically stabilize and decelerate the shoulder joint's movements. Keeping these muscles firing efficiently prevents excessive strain.

For the Rear Delt Raise, or "PAW" raise, you'll hinge forward slightly from the hips while raising the dumbbells up and out to the sides. Don't be surprised if you're grabbing tiny weights at first - 10% of bodyweight for 10 reps here is no joke!

5. Wall Lat Stretch

While this isn't a strength move per se, the lateral shoulder stretch against a wall has become a must-do in my routine for restoring lost mobility.

Facing the wall from a straddle stance, you'll raise one arm up and outward against the surface - driving your working shoulder into an extreme range. Three 30-second holds per side work wonders for tacking stiffness.

You'll quickly discover just how tight those anterior deltoids and even chest muscles can become, dragging the shoulders into internal rotation. Countering these persistent imbalances is crucial for retaining functional overhead strength and posture.

The Takeaway

Whether you're an athlete like myself who routinely taxes the shoulder, or just someone looking to keep their shoulders resilient for everyday life, don't underestimate the importance of targeted shoulder training.

Incorporating exercises that hammer the supporting musculature around this highly mobile joint will not only improve stability, mobility, and injury prevention but allow you to keep thriving in your sport or fitness regimen.

Don't just treat the shoulder as an afterthought - address it proactively through consistent, intelligently programmed routines. Give moves like those from the ATG program a try, and watch as your shoulders transform from a nagging weakness into a performance powerhouse!


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