3 Unexpected Habits to Relieve Knee Pain After ACL Surgery


This article was adapted from my full youtube video which you can watch here for more details!

When I was recovering from my ACL surgery, I learned firsthand how painful and frustrating the process can be. Even with rest, ice, compression, elevation - the whole shebang - my knee was still killing me during rehab. But I discovered a few unexpected habits that made a huge difference in relieving my discomfort. I wanna share what worked for me in hopes it could help you too!

Use a CPM Machine

First up - using a CPM machine was clutch! For those not in the know, CPM (continuous passive motion) machines gently bend and straighten your knee to get that range of motion back. Studies show it actually reduces pain and gets mobility on track faster after surgery. I rented one and used it 4+ times a day for 15-20 minutes. Yeah it felt weird at first, but after a few days my knee hurt way less later in the day. Big win!

Massage Surrounding Muscles

Next - don't sleep on massages! All that rehab can leave the muscles around the knee mad tight and inflamed. By massaging the area, it helps muscles relax and eases some of those screaming pain signals. I just did light massage around the knee at first, then busted out a massage gun on my quads, hamstrings and calves as I got stronger. Can't let that muscle tension sneak up and jack your knee pain!

Get Outside

Finally, get some vitamin D! Research says exposure to nature and getting outside decreases pain and the need for meds after surgery. My surgeon wanted me cruising outside starting on Day 1 - even if it was just a quick wheelchair roll. Before long I graduated to clunking around on crutches. Being outdoors gives your mind a break from the pain too. Now getting fresh air is just part of my lifestyle for keeping knee pain in check.

Bouncing back from ACL surgery definitely has its challenges. But adding in a few habits like using CPM machines, muscle massages, and outdoor time can make a huge difference in cutting down on knee pain. For me, it was game-changing and let me push harder in rehab. Give these unexpected tips a shot and see if they help your knee play nice after surgery!


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